Stress Reduction, Increase in Stress Tolerance

Floaters across the world agree that floating is one of the most effective means today of reducing stress. The Australian Institute of Sports, for example, has been using floatation for stress management very successfully for years. Scientific research shows that deep relaxation has a lasting effect by accelerating the reduction of ACTH, adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol levels.

In the relaxed state in the floatation tank, it is virtually impossible to experience anxiety, as – as we know from behavioural therapy – anxiety or fear and relaxation are mutually exclusive. Some dental clinics for example use floatation tanks for patients afraid of receiving dental treatment.

By deeply relaxing in the tank and screening out exterior stimuli, it is easier to become aware of and then experience your inner, psychic world more freely, openly and without distractions. Correlations, which would take a much longer time to recognise, can be comprehended, processed and changed when floating within a short time.

In a state of deep relaxation and inner and outer calm, you can influence mental processes more easily and with a longer-lasting effect than without the help of a tank. This makes the floatation tank an ideal instrument for all types of mental training. The calm you experience is maintained so that when you float regularly your stress tolerance can be noticeably increased.