The good and the bad of stress

Generally speaking, stress is misunderstood; when stress, for a short time, can be seen as beneficial.

It makes us run faster, to get away from whatever is chasing us, be that a white pointer shark, or a sporting opponent, some people perform better only when they are under pressure to get a test done in a set time frame. School exams are always a good example of this, together with work deadlines.

Short bursts of stress activate the sympathetic nervous system and release hormones to enable the body to respond to the urgency of the situation; it can be called an adrenal rush in the body “.. where your blood rushes to the extremities, your heart pumps faster, and your breathing increases”

These are the obvious signs, but there are a host of other things going on inside your system that are put into motion. So, when the event is over, it is important to rest and recover, often the body feels tired, and mind lethargic, so we sleep or have some downtime.

Mother Nature used to be the ideal place to recharge the batteries, we now use holidays for that reason, unfortunately, modern society is also spending less time in nature, our cities green belts are getting smaller, with more high density living and less backyard to relax in.

“…we are feeling a different type of stress”

These things also add to the stress of modern-day living, pollution in our environment and the constant connection to technology, mobile devices on 24/7.

What happens when the body doesn’t get downtime or rest, or time out to reset, stress that accumulates over a longer period effects the body in a different way.

When we don’t give our body and mind, time to recover from stressful periods, the body kicks into a difference phase and other patterns and diseases can begin to emerge.

The digestive system is one of the first to be affected; stressed people often complain of constipation or diarrhoea, there is a lack of follow-up and attention in the initial stages.

As the immune system is closely related to the digestive system, both will be compromised, and possibly, where serious diseases begin to arise.

According to research, chronic stress is linked to some of the leading causes of death, heart disease, cancer, lung ailments and suicide – these are but a few !

“.. stress is complex and effects people in different ways”.

Floating is beginning to be a safe option, the latest research found that floatation therapy lowered blood pressure and the cortisol levels (stress hormones).

A study in Sweden found that after 12 sessions, floating decreased the levels of stress and depression, and the effects were felt for 3-4 months after the treatment program.

For the majority of people, floating for one hour in a tank, is a safe and peaceful setting.. there are no demands placed on you, no work, or family, no technology.

There is no stimulation from the outside world, the light and sound can also be shut off, giving your body and mind a chance to deeply relax – the benefits are felt immediately. Over time, the benefit compounds, helping reduce chronic issues of stress and anxiety.

There are 600 kg of Epsom salt in 1000 litres of water, which is denser than the Dead Sea.

Epsom salts are known for their ability to alleviate fatigue in the muscles and joints. the tranquillity within a floatation pod and the zero-gravity effect allows the whole system to fully rest and reset.

” most people report feeling recharged and refreshed after a float session…”