Today, there are many ways of restoring our health resulting in a better, and stronger version of you. Building resilience, staying strong both mentally and physically.

Regular exercise, good quality sleep, and a balanced diet have all been talked about, researched, and marketed to us all.

Inflammation is a critical part of understanding early warning signs that your body needs attention, be that a scratch that has got infected, an earache, bloating or a deeper lingering pain. your body has an amazing internal communication system alerting the cells to rapidly respond to any harmful activity , and especially when it comes to the absorption of your nutrition, food allergies are an early sign that something you are ingestion is poisonous to your system.

Inflammation is when the body is fighting against things that harm it, like infections, toxins and injury, the body is trying to heal itself. When the cells in your body are damaged, chemicals are released that stimulate a response from your immune system. This can be in an acute response to a physical injury, or in the case of something more chronic when the response lingers and the body is in a state of constant alert, chronic inflammation can eventually start damaging healthy cells, tissues, and organs.

If there is inflammation in our gut/digestive system, especially the small intestine it has a cascading effect on so many other areas, when the digestive system is inflamed, the absorptivity of nutrition is made that much harder, and there are proven health conditions that are been associated to an inflamed digestive system, auto immune disorders, such as Multiple sclerosis (MS), Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, diabetes, asthma and heart conditions, there is much research about gut health and brain health and the connection between the two. There are about 500 million neurons contained in the gut that connect to the brain through our nervous system, the vagus nerve being one of the biggest connectors. This affects us both emotionally and physically.

Chinese Medicine Theory has always talked about the relationship between our digestion, our Earth element, the spleen and stomach and the effect it has on our Shen (the mind) and how important quality ingredients are. What we eat, when we eat, how much we eat, what we think, what we watch, and what we do, all have a role in keeping us in a healthy predisposition, ask any of my clients, one of the first things I ask is, what did you have for breakfast?

benefits of vitamin D

Floatation therapy has many wonderful effects on all elements of the body and mind although like many therapies it does take time to see some of these results. Most people will feel instantly calmer for 24 to 72 hours and this is great or an amazing sensation.

We are now so used to being in some form of stress, we don’t even remember what it feels like to be relaxed as it is not the norm anymore. Chronic low-lying stress is! And this chronic low-lying stress is what is one of the biggest factors associated to inflammation and disease in many of its forms.

Floatation Therapy does help with reducing inflammation in the body, even in your gut and brain, and it is not just the magnesium, but the synergistic effect of the deep relaxation, and its ability to calm the sympathetic nervous system, stop the fight and flight, reducing cortisol levels, balancing our hormones and regulate the heart-beat. enabling the brain to effortless move into the Theta brain wave pattern.

By calming the whole system down and re-evaluating your diet, checking you nutrition levels and having a blood test with a GP and or naturopathic practitioner , making sure you are doing the best style of exercise that means you need to enjoy it, you can start to reduce inflammation naturally in your body and improve gut absorbability.

Vitamin D is high on the radar of people interested in looking after their health, having strong bones and there has been research on its relationship to improving ones immune system and resilience to disease, and add in mood enhancement for those with depression, but there is a lack of clear understanding as to why people are becoming deficient in this particular vitamin, has it to do with gut inflammation that so many of people are suffering.

Vitamin D is one supplement that is hard to define as typical Vitamin, as it is fat soluble and can be said to affect the body like a hormone, it is not absorbed so much but it is assimilated in our body and requires enzymes and other fats in its process to be converted to its usable form in our skin with UVB light from the sun.

If you live in an area with little natural sunlight or have another medical condition which prevents you from getting sunlight, there are still ways to reap the benefits of sunlight albeit using slightly different methods, foods that are high in Vitamin D like Salmon. Herring and sardines. Cod liver oil. Canned tuna, Egg yolks and Mushrooms and taking Vitamin D3 supplements.
Without sufficient exposure to the sun, the brain may not make enough serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and happiness, research shows sunlight exposure may also be able to help people suffering from anxiety and depression.
Vitamin D is critical for strong bones, from infancy into old age, helping the body along with magnesium and calcium from food. In older adults, a daily dose of Vitamin D, magnesium and calcium helps to prevent fractures and brittle bones. Children need Vitamin D and magnesium to build strong bones and prevent rickets, a cause of bowed legs, knock knees, and weak bones.

Vitamin D is important at assisting our body with detoxification, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, it’s too soon to make a strong case for vitamin D as an overall cancer-fighter. But more recent studies are suggesting that people with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood may have a lower risk for cancer.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency include fatigue, aches and pains, fatty liver infiltration, depression, light-headedness, osteoporosis, and osteopenia.

Some lifestyle factors that can lead to a deficiency in Vitamin D are obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diets devoid of animal foods, and intestine inflammation from unhealthy types of gut flora.

Vitamin D and floatation therapy can both have a positive effect on so many areas of our body and brain, the magnesium that is absorbed into the body while floating and it is the concentration of this salty solution that allows the brain to deeply rest, and reset itself. Eating a well-rounded diet, fresh air and natural sunshine are all important aspects of becoming and remaining strong and resilient both emotionally and physically. Helping to detoxify the body on a cellular level, aiding is good quality sleep, are all a part of your well-being.