



Our senses are a part of our information receptors, whether they come from hearing sounds or smelling fragrances. These senses are correlated to our Nervous System, which is like a web of branches or channels that send all that sensory information to where it needs to go in our brains and bodies.

Now, stop and think for a moment:

  • How many sounds do you hear in the span of a day?
  • What do you see on your way to work in the morning?
  • How many items pass through your hands in the span of a couple of hours?

ALL of that sensory information is being received constantly.

We, as a culture, are well aware of the high percentage of stress that the average person experiences and how busy our lives have become. From the moment we wake, we are stimulated in some way and are constantly stimulated throughout our entire day, often, even when we sleep. By phones, internet, buses, people, food, our clothing, everything! Many of these additional stimuli did not exist a few decades ago, of which back then, there was much less stress being experienced and much less disease in people’s lives.

We have become a culture that is OVER-stimulated, constantly. Our nervous systems are bombarded with information that it is frantically trying to sort through and process effectively. Unfortunately, our sensory system is so overburdened that it can’t keep up. This is when we tend to feel exhausted at the end of the day, or maybe even halfway through. This makes creating a vibrant and nourishing life quite challenging.

Our neuropathways are like streams, which carry our sensory information. Over time, in environments in which you are over-stimulated, these streams may become crowded or even jammed with information. Making it difficult to carry the input and messages to where they need to be for your body and mind to retain its natural, balanced, state of being.

When we place ourselves in a space with little stimuli, such as a forest, a quiet mediation space or most potently: a sensory deprivation tank, we are allowing our nervous system to continue moving all the information where it needs to go WITHOUT having additional sensory information being received while it does this.

When we remove stimuli from our environment, our sensory input receptors get a much-needed break. Our nervous systems, get a chance to clear and reset. We can breathe more deeply, we feel more present in our bodies, our minds and our feelings. We can more easily discern whether or not we are making choices from a place of stress and anxiety or from a clear centred space within.

Floatation therapy is the only space where one can experience such a place of integration. When the body and mind get a chance to sort through everything it has been experiencing, it can more readily bring itself back into homeostasis.


Sensory deprivation is a vital wellness modality in our day and age. In a world that is hyped on experiences, from experimental fragrances to mind-challenging escape rooms, eclectic treats for satiating your taste buds and virtual reality. We have billions upon billions of options for how we wish to stimulate and experience our senses as often as we wish. On top of the basic stimulation we receive to eat, wash ourselves, work and play. It’s a lot to take in.

But there is only ONE WAY to escape that world of stimulation and offer yourself the internal peace necessary to counteract the excitement in the world:

Floatation Therapy – GIVING YOUR SENSES A REST